A Creative Invitation: Cast an Art Spell

Your creative invitation for this month is to awaken your inner art witch and cast an art spell!

I cast this spell for peace and presence and used the mantra ‘May I return to peace and presence easily.’ ➡️

Here’s how:

  1. Gather your materials (paint, collage, pen… whatever you’re drawn to).

  2. Create sacred space - smudge/ light incense/ clear your desk?

  3. Visualise a protective circle around you and your work.

  4. Light a candle (I use the same candle for every art spell).

  5. Drop into the space - with breath/ a meditation/ movement?

  6. Connect to your intention. What/who is the spell for? If you can’t decide, cast a spell for peace and joy for others.

  7. Create a mantra (write it on the blank page and repeat this in your head as you create).

  8. Intuitively create - cast your spell with the colours and shapes you create on the page.

  9. Charge your work - place your hands over your finished piece and visualise the energy of your intention being absorbed into the page.

  10. Connect with your breath and give thanks for the manifestation of your desires.

  11. Blow out your candle!

More Art Spell Inspiration

This spell was a blessing for my art spellbook and all of the spell I cast within it…

And this spell was to help me to remain anchored in the joy I feel when an idea for a new workshop comes in…

I really hope you enjoy this month! Please share your spells if you have the inclination!

If you would like to listen to some lovely music whilst spellcasting, take a look at this playlist on Spotify. xx


A Creative Invitation: 2023 Reflections


A Creative Invitation: 5-Minute Daily Intentional Art-Making