Watercolour Play
This is your invitation to play with watercolours:
explore the colours in your palette,
experiment with using different amounts of water,
use a colour wheel to explore mixing colours,
add detail after the paint has dried using gel pens.
You will need: watercolour sketchbook (min 140gsm), watercolour paints, brushes/brushpens, gel pens
Anything goes. It’s all about getting to know your paints. I’ve included some short videos below with some tips and techniques.
Take a look at my Pinterest board for inspiration: Watercolour Play
Watercolour Tips
If you want to create bolder colours, allow a layer of paint to dry completely (a few hours) and then paint on another layer.
Experiment with painting wet on wet, dry on wet and dry on dry (see videos below).
Don’t forget to switch to a smaller brush for finer detail.
For a paler colour, don’t add white add water.
Keep a tissue handy to dab your brush so that you don’t overload the page with water.
Use colour theory (watch the video) and keep a copy of the colour wheel next to you.