A Creative Invitation: 2023 Reflections
You invitation this month is to reflect on 2023 with a little zig-zag book.
A Creative Invitation: Cast an Art Spell
Your creative invitation for this month is to awaken your inner art witch and cast an art spell!

A Creative Invitation: 5-Minute Daily Intentional Art-Making
An invitation to join me for 5-Minute Daily Intentional Art-Making

Is people-pleasing blocking your intuition?
People-pleasing, an ingrained tendency in many of us, can often interfere with our ability to connect with our intuition. Frequently seeking approval from others can lead us down a path where we prioritize external validation over our own inner voice.

A Creative Invitation: What Do You Want To Experience More Of?
Drop into your desired feelings as you create a rainbow with me!

A Creative Invitation: Creative From A Place of Possibility
Imagine if you biggest dream was an inevitability, no matter how unlikely it seems. How would that feel? How would you go about your days? Drop into this space to create some intentional art to bring you back to the magick of possibility every time you look at it!

How a creative practice will awaken your intuitive mind.
Do you ‘should’ yourself often? Do you find yourself following what others have done because it’s the ‘only’ way to do it or the way that it ‘should’ be done? When we create our lives around the expectations of those around us or the society we live in, we blindly follow an invisible code of how we must show up in the world. Instead, awaken your intuition through a creative practice.

Indecisive? Don’t trust your decisions? Build your intuition for radical self-belief.
Intuition is a knowing without necessarily knowing why. When you are in tune with your intuition and trust your decisions (even when you can’t explain why), you foster radical self-belief. From this place, whatever happens next is ok because you trust that you are acting in a way that is right for you.

A Creative Invitation: Who do you want to be today?
An invitation to get creative and lean into your desires.

A Creative Invitation: Colour Contemplation
Have you ever stopped to contemplate the significance of colour in your life?
Colour is an essential aspect of our lives. We encounter various colours every day, whether it's in the clothes we wear, the food we eat, or the objects we interact with.
A Creative Invitation: Talk To Yourself Like Someone You Love
Create a collage letter poster with me and talk to yourself like someone you love.

Connecting To Your Inner World With A Collage Poem
This month I invite you to create an intuitive ‘collaged’ poem.

Why Joy Is The First Step To Magnetism

My Social Media Struggles & Getting Back to Joy, Sufficiency & Trust

How To Feel More Joy Every Day
Learn how to anchor into joy and feel more of it every day. 5 simple things that you can do to cultivate more joy.

What Is Intentional Art-Making?
Intentional art-making: the process of creating art which is infused with the energy of something that you intend to cultivate more of.

What I do and why it matters (to me!)
I believe in the magical manifestation powers of creativity to bring us closer to our dreams and desires, closer to a life of alignment with our true selves.